Brand eXperience Design

Brand Design

Albamon introduces specialized services for small businesses struggling with personnel management, targeting businesses that are difficult to manage in terms of workforce. These services include 'BossMon,' a dedicated employee management service for small businesses, and 'CrewMon,' a work management service for part-time workers. Bossmon effectively addresses all facets of personnel management, ranging from overseeing work schedules to managing payroll settlements and handling business requests. Additionally, part-time workers can conveniently make use of the 'Crewmon' service in conjunction with Bossmon. Crewmon enables part-time workers to adjust their work schedules without the need to directly contact the employer, providing easy access to monthly payroll and statement details within the app.

BX Strategist: Siyeun Hwang
BX Designer: Siyeun Hwang
